10 Ridiculous Ways to Earn Money
I was researching, as usual, on the internet and came across some ridiculous ways you can earn money so I decided to blog about it!
1. Sell Jellyfish
This is unbelievably expensive so don't be fooled. If you read this article here you'll learn about how a guy made $25,000 on his first jellyfish installation!
If this is something you want to look further into a suggest going to Jellyfish Art to check out the mark.
The cheapest installation is $330!
2. Communicate with Dead Pets
I almost did not believe this one until I looked into it further.
For a 1 hour consultation on the phone you can make $125 smackers..
There are pet mediums all over and a very well known pet medium named Charles Peden gets paid to find animals and communicate with dead ones.
3. Professional Eater
If you head over to Major League Eating you'll find the latest events on eating competitions where you are able to earn up to $100,000.
However, I should warn you that this may be very unhealthy and can lead to certain health problems.
Like.. You could die.
Just read this article where it tells you how a 20 year old college student and a 42 year old man from colorado died in April, 2017.
4. Professional Weight Loser
This girl you see before you is called Kristin and she lost 114 lbs, for this she was given a check for $4,000 big ones.
Yeah, you can earn prizes up to $10,000 dollars. I'd go to Healthy Wage if this is something you'd be more interested in.
There is a catch. The harder it is for you to lose weight the more money you'll get.
So basically..
They want you to struggle!
Haha, just kidding. I don't know what they really want...
5. Painting Dumpsters
Painting Dumpsters is really popular in Philadelphia and California.
If you'd like to view some dumper painting businesses I know Buzz File and Monta are good resources that you might want to look at.
This does require a talent..
So if you can't paint then you should probably not do this as you won't get any customers.
Sorry, Falicia..
6. Review Sensitive Content for Google
In my opinion, this is the MOST ridiculous.
Yes, you can view sensitive content for google for money. The chances you will be completely said afterwards? I don't know, haha.
BuzzFeed has a really good article on a Googler Who Looked at The Worst of The Internet.
Pretty much you enter a contract with google that you will watch and block videos of like.. Sex, beheadings, rape, REDRUM (murder) and just some gross stuff man.
A guy had to get therapy because of all the stuff he had seen. Your mind will never be the same. Money is not more important than your healthy. So, unless you are a.. I don't know..
Then just don't bro. for real. Falicia don't.
7. Lice Removal Technician
Being a Lice Removal Technician probably was not your dream job, but there can be some serious money in it.
You can make $30 bucks an hour.
Only way to really succeed is being a Independent Contractor because you have to be if this is going to be your occupation.
8. High Quality Sperm Donor
You would have probably never thought there could be such a thing as High Quality Sperm Donor, and if you did you probably were thinking sperm count or something like that..
Well, it's not the sperm count some people are after, it's the traits and qualities you have. Or just stuff that you've done in your life, like get good grades.
Heck it could even be your hair color. Silly right?
But what may be silly to you someone will pay very good money for. Like $6,000 dollars of good money.
If this is interesting and you want to find out more then go directly to the source Simply Hired for more info.
9. Wear T-Shirts
Don't mind him, this won't be you if you're going to enter this business.
You can get paid a lot of money for wearing Companies T-shirts and supporting or "shouting out" their brands.
Go to I Wear Your Shirts and start networking with companies today!
You do kinda have to have a big following though on um.. any of the social medias,
Or you have to get a lot of traffic. So if you have a lot of traffic to a website or a big following on twitter, Facebook, or instagram then this could be for you.
There is a guy who wore 1,900 different companies T-Shirts and posted pictures of them on his website. I know he is deep in the mula.
10. Be A Professional Friend
I thought I would save these shenanigans for last..
If you are really outgoing or know your way around town very well then hop on here and solo-tourists or lonely people (i guess) will hire you to go do daily activities with them.
Here is a list of the things you can expect
- Going to the movies
- Checking out a baseball game
- Exploring parks
- Sitting on benches
- Grabbing dinner
- and GIVING UP YOUR BODY?!?!?! (no, i'm kidding, haha.. but really, who knows)
You don't pay for these activities. The person who hires you pays for everything and you get whatever you set your hourly rate at.
Some people are making $50 an hour from being a professional friend.
So what are you waiting for? Go over to Rent A Friend right now and start having people PAY for your FRIEND.
P.S. if you actually do this..
You're a terrible person.
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