Why Crea
Crew Pool Here
If you don't already know, I run a YouTube Channel that tells people important information.
This Blog is basically a second place for you to get all of this information but instead of getting it from videos you'll be getting it from writing. lol. Reading sucks.
For Starters..
I started the YouTube channel Crea Pool because I spent so much time reading and inputting different information that I was not at all outputting anything or being creative.
So.. This channel basically allows me to keep doing research and then output the research I do.
Basically if you keep inputting a ton of information into your brain without outputting anything you will have a system overload. Which was me like awhile ago.
Don't be me and have a system overload. Create things!
What should I create Crea..?
Well you should create something you are passionate about. Like.. um. Videos.. or this blog.
Well not this blog but you know.. a blog. You don't have to create a video or a blog but just create SOMETHING!
Here is a list I have compiled for you because I'm such a good guy.
- Videos
- Blogs
- Designs
- Drawings
- Sketches
- Artwork
- Babies (lol)
- Work out (this is still a form of creation, you are creating muscle)
And.. There you have it. A short list of stuff that will get you started on outputting your information.
Self development is cool but too much of good stuff can be bad stuff.
It really is about balance. The reason why people become millionaires is because of structure and routine.
Wow, that was random. Sounded like sum self help bs..
Anyways. I'm Crea Pool and this has been an intro of me.
Bye Falicia :3
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